How to Grow Salsify Flowers From Seed

How to Grow Salsify Flowers From Seed

The quick and convenient step-by-step guide to growing your very own salsify Wildflowers!


Salsify (Tragopogon porrifolius) is a tough biennial flower that is related to the dandelion. Salsify is usually grown for its white carrot-like roots. The salsify roots taste similar to oyster which is why the salsify plant has often been referred to as the“oyster plant.”

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How To Grow Salsify From Seeds


# 1 | Plant your salsify seeds in an area where they will get full sun. Salsify like carrots prefers soil rich that is rich in organic matter and loose and well-worked to the depth of 8 to 12 inches (20-30cm).


# 2 | Sow salsify two weeks before the last expected frost in your area. The ideal time is when your soil temperature has reached about 40°F (4.4°C)


# 3 | Water seedlings occasionally until they become established. This plant adapts well to either dry or moist soil and also tolerates sandy and clay soils.


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